Wednesday, August 02, 2006

First Ups In La La Land

It took me going on strike from my job to get me up and out and posting in Los Angeles. This is because a) I'm stressed out and not sleeping well and b) I really don't need the same brain power to walk the picket line as I do on my job, so getting up at 3am to post isn't a big deal.

This is the street debut of "unity"

You can see a close up of "Unity" and "Trap" in the April '06 archives.

"Trap" is the perfect image for Los Angeles. I like that the business in the background is a car repair shop.

In NYC I was using a raw wheatpaste (Violet's stove doesn't really work and she hasn't any pots either) but here in LA I'm using a cooked wheatpaste (now with sugar too) and it's much nicer.

I think my images are a little small and busy for people going 40 mph so I need to concentrate my postings in areas with foot traffic (Melrose) and targeting intersections where people are stopped and forced to examine the environment around them.