Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Back in New York

I brought a couple alien fairies and a satyr with me to NYC. The satyr below is located just off Layfette which is a decently pedestrian heavy street and I love that lurking just around the corner is an alien satyr playing his pan flute as unsuspecting pedestrians hustle past. I also like that a restaurant called "puck fair" is across the street.

This posting isn't as suceessful, it was actually the first one I did this time around, and after it was up I realized it was a poor choice in terms of visibility, but on the plus side it will probably have good longevity due to it being in a derlict doorway that's blocked by some scaffolding. It's on Elizabeth between Prince and Spring.

Below is my belated addition to 11 spring street. Unfortunately the whole place looks like a royal mess now. I almost didn't post anything but decided what the hell...Violet spent about 2 to 3 hours on that Sunday waiting to get in and never did. For anyone who doesn't know what 11 spring is, check out to learn more.